Come Worship with Us!

Cate Park
Downtown Wolfeboro
7:30 am (June 9 - October 6th)
Are you looking for a peaceful way to start your day? Join us Sunday mornings at 7:30 am June 9th - October 6th by the gazebo in Cate Park.
Rev. Dawn will offer a short Celtic inspired Christian worship. Bring a chair and an open heart. All are welcome!

YouTube Recorded Worship
Join us on our YouTube Channel for worship on Sundays!
Worship services will be posted early in the week of the previous Sunday. Join our mailing list to receive an email with the link to the recorded service. This email will contain a pdf of the bulletin, scripture and other prayers. Sign up now to receive it!
Sunday worship services available on our YouTube Channel
*You can watch this service anytime*
In-Person Worship
115 South Main Street
10:00 am
A worship service in our beautiful sanctuary. This service will be one with scripture and a morning message, music, a children's time, nursery care, and Sunday School during the school year (September-June). Click here to learn more about our children's ministry. After worship, Rev. Dawn Adams will greet you in the gathering space for coffee and refreshments.
Come as you are for ALL are welcome!
Plenty of parking is available in our large parking lot with several handicap spaces. Please enter the church either by the parking lot door or front door. Both have ramps for handicap access and an elevator is available to any who may need it to move between floors. Our sanctuary is equipped with an induction hearing loop and we have a handful of independent receivers that you may borrow if you do not have a device with this updated technology.