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Faith in Action

The Faith in Action Board helps our congregation translate faith to effective, just, and compassionate actions. It does this through the distribution of the church’s benevolence budget and outreach.


Faith in Action supports and encourages mission travel, sponsors the Gifts of Hope Marketplace (alternative gifts), collects items for Starting Point and Hope House, coordinates volunteers at the Center Harbor Soup Kitchen twice a year and serves once a year at the Outreach Luncheon given to the elderly in our community. The Board also supports various Church World Service kits including clean up buckets, emergency hygiene kits and blankets.


Following Jesus’ example, the Board of Faith in Action engages the congregation in the sharing of our blessings with those near and far through giving, service and education. Each year FCCW supports local, national and international organizations through our benevolence.

UCC Special Offerings


FCCW participates in United Church of Christ Special Mission Offerings throughout the year.  The UCC has identified four areas where these critical human needs exist: 

• in places lacking health and educational resources and/or where disaster has struck; 
• within systems of injustice which oppress daily life and opportunity; 
• in the lives of church leaders without sufficient resources to live with dignity; 
• in the nurture of youth and congregations just beginning their lives of faith.  


One Great Hour of Sharing

Strengthen the Church

Neighbors in Need

The Christmas Fund


In 2008 FCCW entered a covenantal relationship with with Kpenoe (pronounced, penway) Ghana. We live out our covenant with the village by sending members to the village and supporting Amenyo Foundation which raises funds for student scholarships and supplies, health and maternity care, and the local leper colony.  


... "Here, abroad, and in a special way with the people of Kpenoe, Ghana, we commit ourselves to the ministries of preaching the good news, binding up the brokenhearted, freeing the captives and proclaiming the year of the Lord's favor" from FCCW Mission Covenant


Adopted by the Church Council and ratified by the congregation of the First Congregational Church, Wolfeboro in worship during the 2008 visit of Prosper and Angelica Attakey.


FCCW also raises funds for student scholarships through The Batik Boutique group. They make handmade bags with Ghanian batik fabric. 100% of the proceeds benefit scholarships for Ghanian students. The group meets on Friday mornings in the chapel on the 2nd level from 9:30 - 1:00 pm. Anyone interested in joining contact us.  New members are always welcome! No sewing experience required and sewers with machines welcome too. 


KIND Coop (formally The Governor Wentworth Area Volunteer Coop) is a volunteer resource cooperative, a database of citizens who are contacted via email for assistance in the form of services, resources or funds as requests are made.


A social worker or care provider in the district will send out a request for specific needs, and a volunteer interested in fulfilling the request is invited to respond directly to the social worker/care provider. The privacy of the individual will be respected as will that of the volunteer. No names will be shared.


The First Congregational Church, UCC is a non-profit in the State of New Hampshire, 

and is happy to undertake this cooperative as a part of its outreach work. 100% of funds raised for KIND are used towards families and students in the Governor Wentworth Regional School District.


GWAVCoop Facebook page

GWAVCoop Website


As an extension of the outreach ministries of the Christian churches in the Wolfeboro area, the mission and purpose of L.I.F.E. Ministries is to share the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by reaching out to people to meet their physical and spiritual needs. This effort is grounded in the words of Jesus, “Truly, I say to you, as you did to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)


LIFE Ministries Website


Arts on the Edge Wolfeboro, annual festival that celebrates the spiritual value of artistic creativity presents a multi-disciplinary arts series with both international and local artists. In addition, the public is invited to a series of discussions and reflections with the artists and leading scholars in the fields of art and theology.


Arts on the Edge Wolfeboro Facebook page

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